Benjamin Britten Academy of Music & Mathematics

An 11-18 co-educational day school and Centre of Excellence in Mathematics

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Safeguarding - Child to Parent Abuse

Research from the University of Brighton, puts potential prevalence at 1 in every 10 families experiencing some form of parent abuse.

Child-to-parent-abuse (CPA_ or adolescent-to-parent abuse (APA) is any behaviour used by a child or young person to control, dominate or coerce parents, and is more common than you might imagine. It can include emotional, verbal, physical or financial abuse and includes “coercive control”, or in other words, the parent or other adult is compelled to change their own behaviours for fear of further abuse.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of this please contact your child's Designated Safegurding Lead or see the useful links section below.


Useful links


116 123 (freephone)


Helpline freephone:
0808 802 5565


In this section...

Safeguarding - County Lines

Peer on Peer/Child on Child Abuse

Safeguarding - Child Exploitation (CCE)and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

Safeguarding - Report a Concern

Safeguarding - eSafety

Safeguarding - FGM and Honour Based Violence

Safeguarding - Harmful Sexual Behaviours

Safeguarding - Gender Identity Discrimination

Safeguarding - Domestic Abuse

Safeguarding - Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism

See also...

Safeguarding: X

Safeguarding: Instagram

Parent and carers guide to live streaming

Safeguarding: Social Media & Mental Health

Safeguarding - Introduction and contacts

Youtube - Supervised Experience

Safeguarding: BeReal


Term Dates


Programming Studies


TwitBook - Can you spot the problems with this profile page?

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University of East Anglia Data Sharing Procedures


Top 15 most dangerous apps for children

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Year 9 Options 2024-2025

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Post-16 Open Events for Year 11s

Useful Careers Websites

Curricular Enrichment (Clubs)

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