Benjamin Britten Academy of Music & Mathematics

An 11-18 co-educational day school and Centre of Excellence in Mathematics

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Safeguarding - Introduction and contacts

Safeguarding students is a priority at Benjamin Britten Music Academy and means keeping the school community safe from harm, abuse, or injury.

We take our duty of care very seriously, ensuring that all staff receive safeguarding training annually and that safer recruiting practices are followed. Students are reminded of the need for safeguarding and key safeguarding messages through PSHE lessons, tutorial time activities, and assemblies.

The needs and safety of young people always come first. This school is committed to safeguarding our students, staff, and visitors. We expect all staff, volunteers, and visitors to share this commitment and brief them about our procedures and practices when they arrive at the school.

The safeguarding agenda incorporates the prevention of extremism and radicalisation as well as child protection, and concentrates on the wellbeing of the young person. We aim to ensure that we detect any sign that could indicate a young person is not thriving or is failing to meet his/her potential.

If you feel you have any concerns and would like to discuss them with any of the safeguarding team in the strictest of confidence please contact the Year team Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) on 01502 582312.

Year 7: Mrs Reynolds Mrs Smith

Year 8 : Mrs Knights

Year 9: Mrs Wright and Mrs Norton

Year 10: Mrs Burton

Year 11: Mrs Overy and Mrs Sidell

DSL (SEND) - Mrs Poole SENDCo


The Senior Designated Safeguarding Leads for Benjamin Britten Academy is Ms Thurbon  Head teacher 

The Alternate Designated Safguarding Leads (ADSL) for Benjamin Britten Academy is Mrs Armon and Mr George

Safeguarding - Anti-bullying Ambassadors

Safeguarding - Bullying

Safeguarding - Child Exploitation (CCE)and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

Safeguarding - Child to Parent Abuse

Safeguarding - County Lines

Safeguarding - Domestic Abuse

Safeguarding - Early Help

Safeguarding - Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health

Safeguarding - eSafety

Safeguarding - FGM and Honour Based Violence

Safeguarding - Gender Identity Discrimination

Safeguarding - Harmful Sexual Behaviours

Peer on Peer/Child on Child Abuse

Safeguarding - Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism

Safeguarding - Report a Concern

In this section...


Executive Headmaster’s Welcome





Curricular Enrichment (Clubs)


See also...

Parent and carers guide to live streaming

Youtube - Supervised Experience

Safeguarding: Social Media & Mental Health

Safeguarding: Instagram

Safeguarding: BeReal

Top 15 most dangerous apps for children

Safeguarding: X




Religious Education

Child Development

Careers education, information, advice and guidance at Benjamin Britten School

Mobile Phone and Smart Watch Policy.


Health and Social Care

TwitBook - Can you spot the problems with this profile page?

Modern Foreign Languages


Useful Careers Websites

Year 9 Options 2024-2025

Hartismere Family :: Policy Documents

Admissions information

Local Governing Body Vacancies

Specialist Music Programme For Young Musicians

Career Conversations with your Child

Local Governing Body Information


Safeguarding Statutory Information Year 9 Options Parent Information Destinations Digizen Speciast Governance Local Governing Body Mobile Careers Childnet Mcatear GCSE HBV Admissions Ethos University

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