Benjamin Britten Academy of Music & Mathematics

An 11-18 co-educational day school and Centre of Excellence in Mathematics

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Youtube - Supervised Experience

A supervised experience on YouTube is a parent-managed version of regular YouTube and YouTube Music for children under 13 (or relevant age in their country/region).

With a supervised account, parents select a content setting that limits the videos and music children under 13 can find and play. Supervised accounts also change the features they can use, the default account settings, and the ads they see. Learn more about creating a supervised account. 


Top 15 most dangerous apps for children

Safeguarding - Bullying

Parent and carers guide to live streaming


Specialist Music Programme For Young Musicians

Admissions information

Local Governing Body Vacancies

Local Governing Body Information

Hartismere Family :: Policy Documents

Career Conversations with your Child

Year 9 Options 2024-2025

Useful Careers Websites


YouTube Online Safety Videos Options Programmes College Admissions Parent Information HE Careers Bullying Statutory Information Speciast SMP Student Information Local Governing Body Careers and Training FE

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