Safeguarding - Anti-bullying Ambassadors
Anti-bullying Ambassadors - The Diana Award
The Diana Award was founded on Diana, Princess of Wales’ belief that young people have the power to change their community. The work that this charity does encourages change in attitudes and behaviours for young people by young people.
The Anti-bullying Ambassador Programme equips students and staff with the tools needed to tackle bullying behaviour head on, transform the school’s approach to anti-bullying and create a safer, kinder school community. The programme is youth-led, with our pupils leading their anti-bullying campaign as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.
It is by becoming extremely interested and passionate about The Diana Award’s anti-bullying programme that we are proud to have trained ten of our pupils to be Anti-bullying Ambassadors, who run a Support Hub every break and lunch in English Room 14.
In this section...
Safeguarding - Child to Parent Abuse
Peer on Peer/Child on Child Abuse
Safeguarding - Child Exploitation (CCE)and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Safeguarding - Harmful Sexual Behaviours
Safeguarding - Gender Identity Discrimination
Safeguarding - FGM and Honour Based Violence
Self-care throughout the revision process
TwitBook - Can you spot the problems with this profile page?
Hartismere Family Privacy Notice
Local Governing Body Information
Bullying Parent Information Safeguarding Wellbeing Student Information Chemistry School Newsletters Self-Care YouTube Childnet Values Ethos Schoolcloud Parentpay Homework Sexual Behaviour Music National FGM Centre Admissions Options Guidance
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