Benjamin Britten Academy of Music & Mathematics

An 11-18 co-educational day school and Centre of Excellence in Mathematics

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NHS 111 mental health support

NHS 111 mental health option

NHS 111 option 2 is a helpline for people of all ages in Norfolk and Suffolk who need urgent mental health support. The helpline is available all day, every day.
If you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed or worried about your mental health, telephone the helpline: 
Dial 111 and select the mental health option (option 2)

Who can call?

The helpline is available to members of the public of any age, regardless of whether they are an existing service user.
The line is also open to other healthcare professionals, as well as social care colleagues and police personnel. This is for advice when working with individuals who are undergoing mental health difficulties or may wish to refer someone.

What happens when I call?

A trained mental health professional answers calls and will be able to listen to your concerns and help you get the support you need.

What if I want to remain anonymous?

If you would prefer that the person answering your call doesn’t see your telephone number, you can turn off your caller ID in your phone’s settings.


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