Admissions information
The school's Admissions Policy can be viewed here:
This details admission arrangements for admission in the normal school year as well as in-year admissions. If you are applying for an in-year place for your child, please use the application form below.
Also included on this page is Suffolk County Council's guide to education admission appeals which includes timescales and further information on the appeals process, should your child not gain a place at the school.
Specialist music places
Up to 10% of the published admission number of places will be offered to children with an aptitude in music as assessed by the standardisation process. If you would like to apply for a specialist music place, please complete this Google form: . If you would like a paper copy of this form, please email
Specialist Music Place Form for 2024-2025 entry:
Specialist Music Place Form for 2025-26 entry:
See also...
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Post-16 Open Events for Year 11s
Admissions Parent Information Applications Music SMP A-Level County Lines Options Bullying HE Technical Parentpay Data College Curriculum Careers and Training Mathematics Chemistry Clubs And Activities Year 8 Biology
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