Benjamin Britten Academy of Music & Mathematics

An 11-18 co-educational day school and Centre of Excellence in Mathematics

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A Traditional Community School

Benjamin Britten Music Academy and Centre of Excellence in Mathematics is a co-educational day school founded in honour of England's greatest composer and child of Lowestoft, Benjamin Britten.

It is part of the Hartismere Family of Schools- judged as Outstanding by Ofsted. It is also sponsored by The Britten Pears Foundation. The school hosts Suffolk's Centre of Excellence in Mathematics designated to raise standards throughout the Lowestoft and Suffolk areas.

It ensures that all families are provided the option of a challenging academic education alongside a traditional approach to discipline. Its Music Academy is supported by a state of the art Theatre and Dance Studio. It is set in over 28 acres of green fields and, internally, is a beautiful environment in which our scholars learn.

The School is organised into traditional year and tutor groups. In addition to a Head of Year, each year group has a dedicated full time Assistant Head of Year. These pastoral staff are always available.

Traditional Lower and Upper School Offices are situated to provide complete approachability for the children, before, during and after lessons. Scholars, new and older, are never far from support.

Our comprehensive transition programme starts early with our partner Primary Schools.

We have a dedicated team of staff, Upper School Prefects, Upper School Senior Prefects, a Head Boy, a Head Girl, Sports Leaders, and Expressive Arts Leaders who work closely with Primary School students to ensure their transition to High School is smooth, exciting and worry free.

Well established links built up over many years mean opportunities are regularly provided for younger students to visit the school.

They experience learning in specialised facilities such as those found in Mathematics, Science, Computing, Expressive Arts, Technology and Physical Education.

In this section...

Benjamin Britten School: Our History

The Dining Halls

The Suffolk Centre of Excellence in Mathematics

Video tour

The Music Academy and the Britten Pears Foundation


School Newsletters

Suffolk County Council- Cost of Living Support


Term Dates


Year 9 Options 2024-2025

Gastro Menu

Local Governing Body Vacancies

Useful Careers Websites

Post-16 Open Events for Year 11s

Curricular Enrichment (Clubs)

Thinking of going to University?

Top 15 most dangerous apps for children


Community Tradition Parent Information Term Dates Choices Governor Applications Destinations Mathematics Year 9 Options School Newsletters Apprenticeships Careers Technical Extra-Curricular FE HE Governance

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