Benjamin Britten Academy of Music & Mathematics

An 11-18 co-educational day school and Centre of Excellence in Mathematics

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Supporting your child with GCSE Options choices

Here are some resources put together by University of East Anglia (UEA) for parents and carers, to support their children in making informed choices about their GCSE option subjects:


1. Navigating the Road to GCSEs – digital &/or printed map

Reassuring, step-by-step guide to helping young people make good GCSE choices (see below). 


2. A website for parents & carers all about GCSE options

Simple, jargon-free explanations. Top tips and creative ideas for sorting out their subject choices. Realistic and reassuring advice about the importance of GCSEs for future success.


Careers videos for lessons

Labour Market Information website

Apprenticeship opportunities: EDF Sizewell B and Sizewell C


Statutory Policies, Procedures and Funding Agreements

Post-16 Opportunities

Get revising...

Useful Careers Websites

National Citizen Service

Career Conversations with your Child


Local Governing Body Vacancies


Religious Education

Design and Technology

Post-16 Open Events for Year 11s

Year 9 Options 2025-2026

Year 11 Supporting Success

Options Timeline


Careers Year 9 Options GCSE Options Unifrog Policy Examinations NCS Governance Higher Choices Student Information Parent Patch College FE Revision Destinations Staff Information Week Technical

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